About Me


Welcome to Bethany Blogs, I'm Beth, based in County Durham, England.
My blog is mainly based around all things beauty and care - from make-up looks and reviews to life hacks and self care. I'd consider myself make-up obsessed, as well as having many other hobbies that I adore and will be oddly mentioning throughout this blog.

Why did I decide to be a part of the blogging community?

I'm 16 years old, and ever since I was little I was always inspired by the arts of make-up. I've always wanted to do something with my love of beauty, but I thought it would be best if I prioritized the A-levels I want to do in college and then do something with makeup outside of the education world; so a blog was perfect for me! Considering I love writing and I love make-up but really wanted to do my A-levels, I could do everything I want to do separately this way and it has turned out great. 
I love how my knowledge and experience of self-care and beauty is expanding by the second and has been since I discovered it as a child, but I'm always up for learning new things therefore I thought joining the blogging community wold help me do just that!

A Lot More Interests

Not only do I love all things beauty related, but I also have other hobbies too. The thing I love the most about make-up is it's art, I think it tells a lot about someone, it gives someone power and confidence; I'm a very arty person therefore that is why I love drawing nearly as much as my make-up, its so soothing and gives you a feeling of accomplishment when you finish a piece; I like to think I am very creative.  I absolutely love my horses, I am a HUGE animal lover, there isn't one animal that I dislike. I have been horse riding since I was 9 years old and have loved every minute of it, I currently have two horses, Amico and Renee. It's a great sport that offers much more as a unique hobby. Another thing that plays a part in my life is my singing, I've loved singing all my life and only recently started dong something about it. I've had lessons for nearly a year and will continue to do so. A few months ago I went to Newcastle recording studio to record a CD of covers. I also bought a mic to record my own music and will hopefully be able to put the odd cover up on my blog when I finally figure out how to work it... Finally, I'd consider myself to be an outside person, I've always loved going for walks with people or with the dogs, I love riding out on he horses (hacks) and I've always looked forward to a day out with family or friends, or my second family with the boyfriend. I love being active and keeping myself fit and healthy, from going for a bike ride to going to the gym.

I will be uploading a lot more but here are some pictures of what I love :)


Renee (pronounced as ren-ay)



(sorry about the black parts)

The Outdoors

My love for animals





Buddy, my old horse
(apologies for the black areas)

Amico at the beach



Last but not least, I can't forget my family :)

I have an absolutely huge family so I can't upload a photo of them all, but here are a few!

My sister, Laura

Me, mum, sister

My siblings,
I'm the one with the long, ginger hair

Another old photo of my siblings before my younger brother was born

My second family, my boyfriend and his parents

My Grandma

My Auntie Karen, who contributes to my knowledge of horses! 

Thank you so much for reading, I enjoyed writing about the things I love and what makes me happy. Don't forget, you can contact me if you have any questions or want to check out my social media by clicking on the tab "contact me".

Beth x

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Keep a look out!

Make sure to keep a look out for makeup tutorials on myself and others, singing videos (covers) and many more!